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Paired Programming - The Pair-amid Scheme

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    Trillium Smith

A few days ago I had the pleasure of paired programming for the first time with Ben Holmen ( on πŸ¦‹). Great chat, wonderful developer, and I can happily say that he turned me on to the idea of paired programming with strangers as a way to meet other devs and grow my professional network. Genius!

What is the Pair-amid Scheme πŸ”Ί

You can read more about Ben's take here, but the gist of it is that a dev offers their calendar open to book a few paired programming slots per week (in my case I limit mine to 2/week).

Ideally the person requesting the pairing has something to work on, but if the time devolves into general chatting about software development, that's also a success!

If you'd like to book a paired programming session we me, you can find my booking link at: (or🍐 which is the same link but more hilarious to me)

Looking forward to pairing with you soon!

Screenshot of Bernhard and Trillium on Google Meet
Screenshot of Daniel and Trillium on Google Meet
Screenshot of Ben and Trillium on Zoom